What used to be

Al Khazzan Park

Urban change


Multi-creative Dubai resident Hind Mezaina shot these images on Fuji Velvia film with her beloved L-CA.

“This spot on Safa Road, which used to be a park called Al Khazzan Park, has one of my favourite landmarks in Dubai: a tall water tower built in the 1980s (I think).

The park disappeared ages ago and the whole spot was blocked off for the longest time. But the tower/tank was always visible from the road.

When driving by this spot I noticed a few open gaps in the fence, so it was easy to get up close. There was a sign for a demolition company on the open gate. I really have no idea what the plans for the plot are, but I hope and pray that the tower will remain untouched. It’s grown more beautiful over time, in my eyes anyway.”

Al Khazzan Park - Hind Mezaina


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3 thoughts on “What used to be

  1. Al Khazzan Park used to be one of my favorite places too. Another bit of Dubai I loved is lost with this park. Thanks for the pictures and the reminder.

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