Call for submissions: Night series

Night in Istanbul - nicolas brodard

On the shore in Kadıköy, Istanbul. Picture by Nicolas Brodard, from his series Day for Night.

We are really thrilled to announce that our new platform, made in collaboration with KnoozRoom and AMI, will be released by the beginning of February. Once out, we will await your feedback in order to make it even better. We will also publish the first series of 8 interactive stories on the theme of Routes, all wrapped in a beautiful layout designed by Hussein Nakhal and Noor Bishouty. Today, we are writing you regarding our second call for submissions:

For our second themed series, Mashallah in collaboration with our friends from Knooz Room are looking for stories from across the Middle East.

This time around, we’re seeking contributions on the topic of NIGHT. What happens on the streets after darkness falls? What do people do when everyone else is sleeping? What nightly events shape our cities and those who live in them?

Life during the night has a special kind of intimacy, a slower pace. Events pass by unseen, voices stay unheard. People look different. Some things turn invisible – others take on new, unforeseen, shapes. As if the darkness permits what the day does not. To be invisible. Secret.

On this note, we want you to dream up stories for us. We’re collecting tales of people with insomnia and those who work during the night; of kids who lay awake and grownups who refuse to sleep; of bored shop owners and the never-sleeping creatures of the underworld. Stories about the little seen elements of society, from hidden, unvisited places.

Send your pitches to Stories may be written, illustrated, photographed or recorded – as long as they’re journalistic and non-fictional, told with a unique voice and based on original, authentic testimonies. In your pitch, tell us how you envision your story, what people you will talk to, and how it relates to the topic of NIGHT.

We’re particularly keen to hear from photographers, as we want to include several photographic installations.

The collected pieces will be featured on our new website in a joint edition produced collaboratively by Mashallah, Knooz Room and a team of Beirut-based illustrators and graphic designers.

An alternative, very different, take on Alf Leila Wa Leila, if you will.

As always with Mashallah, we want to share voices we believe should be heard more. We’re especially looking for stories about women, and also those of rural communities, minorities and other groups underrepresented in mainstream narratives.

The deadline for pitches is FEBRUARY 2. Selected stories will be remunerated.

Looking forward!


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