
Poems and writing by talented wizards of language from all over the region, who aim to enlighten us daily, sharpening our outlook and fostering resistance.

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The poet grocer 12.04.11 — Clément Girardot Society Istanbul

Meet Faruk Çukurovalı – an Istanbul wordsmith with many hats and very different lives: poetry writer, greengrocer and therapist for autistic children.

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Young poets of Sanaa 14.04.11 — Senga CultureSociety Sanaa

Farah and Abdo, young voices from Yemen’s capital, composing lyrics and poems to their city during a poetry workshop in Sanaa.

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Fareeq el Atrash 16.04.11 — Micheline Tobia Culture Beirut

Meet Lebanon’s hip hop underground stars — Fareeq el Atrash, whose lyrics and groove and funky bass lines spread love across the region.

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Through a window in Ramallah 17.04.11 — Jenny Gustafsson CultureRights & dissent Ramallah

Crouched in a corner of a small make-shift shelter, during the Israeli attack on Ramallah, Palestinian poet Tala Abu Rahmeh started writing poetry.

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Des tomates et des vers 12.04.11 — Clément Girardot Society Istanbul

Faruk Çukurovalı est un vendeur de fruits et légumes d’un genre unique. Poète, il s’est aussi spécialisé dans les thérapies pour les enfants autistes.

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Les jeunes poètes de Sanaa 14.04.11 — Senga Society Sanaa

La poésie est très importante dans la culture yéménite. Les poèmes de Farah et Abdo ont été écrits en français dans le cadre d’un atelier.

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من نافذتي في رام الله 17.04.11 — Jenny Gustafsson CultureRights & dissent Ramallah

كانت الشابة الفلسطينية تالا أبو رحمة جالسة في زاوية ملجأ في أثناء عملية إسرائيلية التي شهدتها رام الله. و بدأت تالا كتابة الشعر للمرة الأولى.

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