In the media

What matters most is that our readers and friends like what we do. But we’re also happy when others do too — mentioning us in their coverage, or giving us an award. Here are some of those moments:


France Inter

Eric Valmir interviewed one of our editors during the Beirut book fair in November 2014.


We took part to a radio program alongside other projects from the region.


Swedish daily ETC wrote about Mashallah News and how we share “good news from the Middle East” in 2014.

Al Jazeera – The Stream

Al Jazeera’s The Stream cited our article about imprisoned Saudi journalist Hamza Kashghari.

Rue 89

French-speaking online news website Rue 89 did the same.

The Nation

The Nation mentioned the letter we published to Hamza Kashghari as one of “This Week’s Top Stories”.


Dubai-based urban cultural magazine Brownbook wrote about Mashallah News in 2012.

L’Orient-Le Jour

Lebanese daily L’Orient-Le Jour wrote about us when we first started in 2010.

Now Lebanon

As did Now Lebanon, a Lebanese online media platform.


And ConnexionsS, a French-language blog, as well.

Le Nouvel Observateur

Le Nouvel Observateur picked up our story on the Syrian satirical puppet show.


Another French platform, Owni, found our story about Gaber and on Egypt’s revolutionary graffiti.


Yigal Schleifer from Eurasianet liked our Istanbul section, with “Pimps, Kurdish Breakdancers and Poet Grocers”.


Rashid bin Shabib from Brownbook talked about us on Monocle’s The Review.

Sugar Street Review

Literary blog Sugar Street Review thinks we’re one of the “Top Five Middle Eastern Literature Blogs”.

Horizons Médiatiques

Another blog, Horizons Médiatiques, also found its way to us.

Raya Agency

A small but sweet mention by Raya Agency for Arabic Literature, back from 2010 when we first were born.

Culture et Politique Arabes

Yves Gonzalez-Quijano, on his blog Culture et Politique Arabes, also wrote about us in 2010.


Gazistan, a blog on Turkey, likes our different outlook on the region.


Another blog, Sicrono, also mentions us.

The website talked to one of our editors, Clément Girardot, back in 2011.

Radio Liban

Listen to us talking on Radio Liban!

MTV Lebanon & LBCI

And watch us on Lebanese TV – MTV Lebanon and LBCI.

Courrier International

French Courrier International picks up stories from around the world, including some of ours.

Slate Afrique & L’Orient-Le Jour

Slate Afrique and Lebanon’s L’Orient-Le Jour did as well, both featured a piece on Salafi satire from Egypt.

Urban Souq

One of our most widely read pieces, Amani Massoud’s What to wear on a revolution, was shared by Urban Souq.


Planetizen found our story on urban activism in Beirut.


This Lebanese architectural platform reposted our story Breathing walls, on photographing walls in Beirut.

Your Middle East

Reposted our feature about Humans of Lebanon.

El Reves

Translated our story about Girgis, the tattoo artist in Cairo’s informal trash-collecting neighborhood, to Spanish.

Beirut Re-Collected

Finally, here are links to some of the coverage on Beirut Re-Collected, released in early 2014.

TV5 Monde

RTS La 1ère

Nova Planet

La couleur des jours


Le Courrier

L’agenda culturel

L’Orient Le Jour

The Daily Star


Future TV

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