
Forgotten Palestine
An audio walk through Manshiyyah
Sophie Chamas writes about Echoing Yafa, an online audio project that brings back the memories of the destroyed neighbourhood of Manshiyyah in Jaffa.

Sisi Rayyisi
Capturing all the Sisis
Egyptian novelist Youssef Rakha sees something particularly intriguing about how Abdel Fattah al-Sisi manifests himself throughout Cairo.
The silver lining of a Lebanese bombing
Learning from Omar Shatah
Sophie Chamas discusses the recent spate of bombings that have targeted Beirut and reflects on Omar Shatah’s moving response to his father’s assassination.

Iraqi-Jewish cuisine revived in Dubai
Dining at Dar Al Sulh
Bringing back life to Iraqi-Jewish cuisine during one evening in Dubai at culinary artist Michael Rakowitz’s pop-up restaurant.

Being Lebanese
Part 2: The stuff liberals are made of
Leave it to the Lebanese to hold up a cliché with pride. So many of us exploit the memory of a painful civil war to sensationalise ourselves.

Being Lebanese
Part 1: Who are you calling an Arab?
What is Lebanon; what does it mean to be Lebanese? The things linked together to form the web of identity through which to perceive the homeland

Ani mi Levanon
Smiling through Hebrew class
Morbid curiosity more than anything else drew me to Hebrew, a language which had only signalled violence, war, occupation and oppression to my Lebanese ears.
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