
Fener-Balat in danger

Historical area threatened by gentrification

Urban change Istanbul

“We will destroy half of Istanbul’s buildings,” said Erdoğan about the semi-legal housing that has mushroomed within central neighbourhoods of Istanbul in the last 30-40 years: Gültepe, Sulukule, Dolapdere, Tarlabaşı, and Kurtuluş to mention a few.

Istanbul is on fire

Documenting urban transformation

Urban change Istanbul

Yaşar Adanalı gives an insight on the socially unfair urban transformation taking place in Istanbul. Three videos from Fatih Pınar illustrate the phenomena.

Urban renewal and resistance in Derbent

Urban change Istanbul

Derbent is located in Sarıyer in Istanbul. After several decades of demographic boom, the neighbourhood is now encircled by gated communities.

أصوات ترلباشي

Rights & dissentUrban change Istanbul

اعمال فاتيح بينار المصور والصحافي وصف الحياة اليومية في حي ترلباشي وتعطي سكان المنطقة صوتا قويا و ذلك من خلال صوره وتقاريره .بعدما تناساها مطورو العقار وسكان .اسطنبول


So close yet so far away

Rights & dissentUrban change Istanbul

Photojournalist Fatih Pinar’s work depicts the real daily life Tarlabaşı and gives voice to the neighbourhood’s inhabitants, long forgotten by city planners and other Istanbul residents.

Istanbul upside down

Urban change Istanbul

This documentary shows how parts of Istanbul will be lost with the new urban reshaping policies. It is also to raise awareness and mobilise against it.

قلب إسطنبول رأسًا على عقب

Urban change Istanbul

لقد شكل “قانون التحول الحضري 5366″، بداية لإعادة هندسة مدينة إسطنبول على نطاق واسع. وقد أدت السياسات الإقتصادية الجديدة التي وُضعت إلى تغيرات سريعة في أحياء المدينة